Wednesday 21 July 2010

J is for Journaler

I have always had journals. People always give them to me for birthdays and holidays. I have many that, as a child, I only wrote in for a few pages and then tossed aside.

Recently (maybe since 2007), I have started to write in them more often. One of my goals on my 101/1001 list it to write daily and writing in my journal is one of the  ways I accomplish that. I also count blogging, and of course creative writing, whether it be a poem or a character sketch.

In my journal I writer down my thoughts about the day, or my plans for the day or tomorrow. I write lists. Just this morning I started a list of 15 recipes I want to try-in preparation for completing number 44 on my list.  I write down wedding ideas and blog post ideas. I've made comparison charts for things like my bridesmaid gifts and I've started on a wedding day timeline. Occasionally, I start writing prompts in my journal. I have another journal that I glue quotes into.  I often write down my prayers in my journal. I am a better writer than speaker so I find that when I write my prayers I don't "fumble" for words as much. God made me a writer for a reason.

My journal serves as a record of my thoughts but also as a planning tool and a spiritual tool. No one is allowed to read my journal but me. My journal is the grown-up version of my imaginary friend.

Do you keep a diary or journal? What do you use it for?

Oh! One last thing! I found out about this thismorning and figured it would tie in perfectly with my post about journaling.

Its a commitment to 31 days of being creative- whether it be through scrapbooking, decorating, cooking or simply journaling. Even though I won't be able to do much besides journal as the 31 days ends soon after I return home I will be journaling and possibly sharing some writing on the blog over the next 31 days. So, if you'd like to join the challenge, head on over and check it out!


  1. My blog has largely become my journal. I love this challenge though, so much so that I became a follower of Words of Me Project and blogged about this challenge today! See, following you,led me there...I love blogland.

  2. Journaling is one of the best releases... I've always been a fan! :)

  3. I've always loved to journal, and I'm a huge list maker (the problem is, I usually lose my list - LOL!) But because of my love of journaling, I think blogging was just a natural step for me.

  4. I found some old journals recently when cleaning out the attic. It was nice to read stuff from 12 years ago. My, how we change.

    I really need to get some organizing on my wedding. I have a feeling I won't be as prepared as you. I have not planned but a few things. Yikes! I only have a few months.

    I always heard it's best to keep a separate private journal for oneself. I haven't done that yet, but I can see how it benefits.

    Love the challenge!


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