Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Incorporating Thursday Five

Yesterday I got really excited when I realized that that today was Thursday and I could post my Thursday Five. Doing this blog exercise really helps me keep my mood up, focus on small things that make me happy, and reflect on things I'm thanksful for. I've been trying to have myself thin of things at the end of my day that were good things. Also, I like thinking about things I'm thankful for and incorporating them into my prayers.


1. Today is Mr. Groom's 31st birthday! Its his last birthday before we get married and his third birthday that I've known him (although on the first one he let his birthday pass by without telling me). Tonight we're going out for duck when he gets off work and I'm  getting all dolled up for him in a cute dress and heels. Hopefully my hair will behave.

2. I went to Dunkin Doughnuts this morning and ate a chocoalte waffle and a powedered doughnut stuffed with pineapple. Yummy!

3. I've been on several enjoyable walks this week to my special excercise spot. I'll do a post later showing you the trail I take and the exercise equipment at the top of the hill

4.Its mail time!I got a precious moments card from my future mother-in-law this week and a letter from my roomate Lyric (I love precious moments!)

5. Mr. Groom seems  to be moving out of the dark spot he was in and is returning to his usual cheerful, jokester self.

Thursday Five

What things made your week?


  1. I didn't know they had waffles at Dunkins!

  2. There is nothing like getting something in the mail - something that isn't a bill!

  3. Yum! I wish I had known it was National Chocolate Day. I would have totally taken out my chocolate vodka and made a toast!


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