Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Valentine's Dinner

I'd planned on having cheddar chicken for dinner last night, but since it was valentine's I wanted to make it a little more special.

Thankfully, Rachel Ray stepped in and on her talk show last week showed me how to butterfly and stuff a chicken breast. Basically, you gently cut the chicken breast open like a book.

I did that and then sauteed onions in butter and then stuffed them into the chicken and then followed the rest of the recipe as usual. I served it with field peas (one of my favorites). Mike had, to my suprise, never had them, but loved them! And I made extra breasts so that we both can have valentine leftovers for lunch today!  As for dessert? Well, Mike's not much of a sweets eater so I sent cookies with him to work!

What did  you do for dinner last night?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the comment about my cake challenge. It was super exciting to win!! I'm going to try that chicken dish, it sounds real yummy!


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