Monday 25 March 2013

Real Food

Do you eat a lot of processed food?

We do.

Do you notice sometimes it makes you feel ick?

I've been a follower of a food blog, 100 Days of Real Food, for sometime now but I am only now trying to change our eating habits.

We eat a lot of convenience foods: frozen pizza, frozen perogis, boxed potatoes and mac n cheese from a bag.

It just so easy.

But when I read about all of the crap thats in the food (some ingredients shouldn't even be considered edible) it scares me, makes me question to long term effects and makes me want to change.

But I'm starting slow as to not overwhelm ourselves.

I've switched from flavored yogurt with artifical color, flavor and high fructose corn syrup to plain greek yogurt and fruit and honey that I add.

We've gone back to butter. And butter without any added ingredients.

I've tried switching to peanut butter that contain just nuts and salt, but the texture and taste is just so overwelming.

Are there any brands of nonprocessed PB that you prefer?

What healthy eating changes have you made?

What should be next on our "things to cut out list"?

How do you make eating and cooking real foods, easier for your family?

I'd love any suggestions you'd like to offer!

1 comment:

  1. I've completely switched from processed to "natural" foods the past 3 years or so, too. Sometimes I miss just opening a package of something yummy, but it's helped with my skin and overall health. (Although I still do eat the little potato chips bags for snacks sometimes!! Hehe)


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