A few of my friends and I decided to start the
8 Week Get Healthy Challenge from Six Sisters Stuff.
Prior to starting the challenge I was getting about 30 minutes of exercise an average of 4 days a week. My husband and I both have no problems consuming 3+ servings of veggies a day as most of our meals resemble stir-frys. In fact, he recently told me that when we go home in the Fall he doesn't want to see a stir-fry for a long time! However, I was probably only eating one serving of fruit a day. My biggest problem was the massive amount of sweets I was consuming- candy, cookies, ice cream etc.
To me, the sad part is I was eating these things 90% of the time to fuel my sugar addiction, not because they tasted good. Typically, I'm huge on flavor and quality. To be honest, the sweets, here in Korea. are garbage. But they contained sugar so I was eating them anyway. My goal with this challenge is three-fold.
1. I want to get rid of my sugar addiction and make treats a treat.
2. I want to push myself physically and make my body strong.
3. I want to reach my goal weight.
After Week 1 I've noticed myself becoming more mindful of what I'm putting into my body and the effect it will have on me and my goals. Prior to the challenge, I would mindlessly accept cookies and candy from my students and stuff it in my mouth,
I'm noticing that I'm becoming more engaged with and interested in physical activity. For a few weeks now, I've been jogging with my husband in the mornings and it makes for refreshing quality time. It's also nice to have someone by my side to push my further or encourage me.
If you're interested in starting your own challenge group go
If you're looking for some workout ideas, I really like these videos:
Cheers to progress!